Our World

My world is in pieces
Pieces that are not easy to pick up
Little pieces that can easily get lost
Little pieces that are hard to find

My world is your world
It’s our world
One world
Slowly going through destruction
Instead of construction

Our world is our home
So I wanna live in a home
with clean streets and clean gutters
clean roads and clean water

Lack of attention
We don’t need that now

What we need is
More attention

Our world is ours
It’s ours, but it doesn’t mean we can just
Throw it out
Mess it up or forget it

Our world is our future
Our story
Our lives
Our one and only
Our sanctuary
Our safe place
Our home
It’s our a saving grace

It’s our world
Your world
My world
And we don’t wanna live in a world that we are worried about tomorrow
You don’t wanna live in a world where you’re worried about the things you don’t know
I don’t wanna live in a world where I’m constantly thinking “where do we go”

Where do we go when the world lives through all the heat
What do we do when the rain forests go extinct
How do we cope when all the food sources start to deplete

It’s our world, so it’s our responsibility
Our home
So we have to look at the possibilities

The possibilities of a better world
A better earth
A better life
A place with worth

It’s our world, so let’s pick up the pieces
The pieces that are not easy to pick up
The pieces that can easily get lost
The pieces that are hard to find

Because just ’cause it’s hard doesn’t make it impossible
It doesn’t make it unreachable or unachievable

All we have to do is try
Try to make a change
‘Cause it’s our world
So it’s our job to make it a better place

(Image by Max Bender on Unsplash)

by Amanda Anaele

February 27, 2020

Reading Time: < 1
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Published by Amanda Anaele

Amanda Anaele is a Grade 9 student at Fairview Junior High in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

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